The World in Your Cards
"I find myself trying to explain or qualify even the smallest things in my day to day life..."
This piece was an exploration on a common topic I am often drawn to. The fear of the unknown.
We as human beings tend to feel the need to be able to control everything, so be able to be in control is to be in power. However, to be in control of the world around us is impossible, so we gravitate to different ways to understand or explain the things that happen to us. I don''t know about you but I find myself trying to explain or qualify even the smallest things in my day to day life, applying reasoning to the mundane allows me to keep calm. When things cannot be explained, anxiety and frustration occurs, so as a society we developed religion or scientific experiments, formulas and theories to supply our consciousness with stability. Tarot cards, palm readings, horoscopes… the list goes on.
But is there a truth behind these practises we are drawn to?
Personally, I rely heavily on spirituality and am very superstitious. I believe the ways in which we look at the world and the energy we put out into society reflects back into our lives. This may seem like a large jump from scientific understanding, but even Einstein details the ways this idea works. Everything is made up of energy, experience is perception. We only experience things which we are conscious of, thus, looking at the world positively would provide an inward sense of content and manifest good energy towards yourself.
This ends with us being in control with the cards we are dealt. We can either let barriers be barriers, or let barriers be stairs to lead us to a better self.
Everything happens for a reason.
Acrylic on Canvas